The word “FOOD” is derived from the word “digestion”. Food is any material eaten to supply nutrition to an organism, usually in a form that the organism can digest. Food is generally of animal, plant or fungal source, and has necessary nutrients, including vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals. An average human body requires about 35% of its calories to be fulfilled through food, with the rest being made up by fat, protein and other nutrients.
The primary objective of healthy living is to keep the body’s needs for vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates under optimum condition at all times. In this regard, different foods are identified as containing these three basic groups of macronutrients. They are carbohydrates (main source of energy), proteins and fat. The best sources of each group of macronutrients are described below. The next section provides information on the best sources of each group of macronutrients.
- Carbohydrates are a large group of food items that include pasta, breads, cereals, pasta sauce, fruit juice, breakfast cereals, bagels and other wheat products, potatoes, rice, etc.
- Other carbohydrates are legumes (e.g., peas, beans), dairy products such as milk and cheese, breads and cereals, vegetables (i.e., vegetables, fruits, wheat germ), fruit (i.e., apples, oranges, bananas, grapes) and legumes.
- The majority of carbohydrates are found in complex forms that involve both chemical and biological reactions in the body.
- Some of the common carbohydrates found in the diet are: starch (e.g., rice, pasta, bread), vegetables (i.e., fruits, vegetables), vitamin C, vitamin E, fat, protein, fiber, and selenium.
Some of the best sources of carbohydrates are: whole grain breads and pasta; fruits and vegetables; nuts; poultry and eggs; wheat germ and refined sugar.
Vitamins are grouped into three primary categories: fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E), carotenoids, and flavonoids. Fat-soluble vitamins are necessary for maintaining health and proper functioning of the body’s organs and tissues. Fat-soluble vitamins are divided into two major groups: vitamin A is obtained from animal sources such as meat, milk, fish and liver; vitamin D is synthesized in the skin when the body’s exposure to sunlight is long enough; and vitamin E is obtained from plant sources such as seeds, nuts, spinach, wheat germ and vegetable oils. The main sources of the other vitamins are: vitamin A for vegetarians and young children; vitamin C from citrus foods, strawberries, peppers and tomatoes; vitamin B-complex (vitamin B 12), also from animal sources but obtained primarily from food sources; and vitamin E from plants, which is only available in large quantities in the winter months when the plants’ flowers produce.
Fruits and vegetables are considered to be good sources of vitamin A, D, E and K. Vitamin A is found abundantly in fruits (e.g., cantaloupe, oranges, strawberries, cantaloupe fruit, cantaloupe skin), vegetables (e.g., carrots, spinach, beans, cabbage), egg yolks, liver, milk and meats. Vitamin A is essential for strong bones, teeth and cartilage development and maintenance of strong nails and hair. Deficiency can lead to excessive yellowing of the skin, mouth sores, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, poor growth and premature death. Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones, teeth and stomach lining, but can also affect the eyes, skin, heart, lungs, brain, bones and blood vessels. Vitamin E is found abundantly in nuts, whole grains, soybeans, green leafy vegetables and some citrus fruits. Vitamin E deficiency has been noted in studies where preschool children were given limited amounts of a vitamin by avoiding fruits and vegetables in place of milk or bread.
The best way to keep your body’s immune system healthy and capable of fighting disease is to consume foods that contain the above-mentioned nutrients in appropriate portions. This does not mean that one should eat tons of salads and fresh vegetables every day. It simply means that you should have a varied, healthy diet consisting of a variety of foods from different food groups. By doing this, you will likely become less susceptible to common childhood diseases and you will likely live longer.