A food processor is basically a kitchen appliance utilized to facilitate repetitive tasks on the processing of food into tasty meals. In fact, it is so popular that it is called the kitchen appliance of choice by most households today. This is because they can save time and effort when processing various ingredients and dishes. In fact, these devices have become so popular that the majority of American homes have one or more of them. There are even some manual devices also called “food processors”, but today, almost always refer to an electronic-motor-powered appliance.
One of the main types of such appliances is the bladed processor – It consists of two blades that move across a spinning socket and a cooling unit. Depending on its model, it may be capable of chopping, slicing, grinding and so forth. The blades can be configured in various sizes and lengths to suit the requirements of the user.
In general, a blender is considered to be a part of the modern-day kitchen – Blenders have many different models and come in handy for numerous tasks. Some can be used for blending, while others can be used for mashing, mincing and other similar operations. Likewise, some of them are designed for pureeing and juicing and some are used for whipping, whisking and other similar activities. A good example for blenders in the kitchen is the KitchenAid Artisan Series 740 Blender.
Meanwhile, another type of food processor is the chop and slice device – Unlike the blender, it does not require any blade to execute chopping and slicing tasks. Instead, it has a chopping plate with a handle that can be moved along the surface of the appliance to chop and slice various ingredients. It also includes a motor to execute the chopping tasks.
Finally, there is the puree and saucepout appliances – Just like the previous two mentioned, they both perform the same tasks, which means that you can just perform one or the other as needed. They both create “pureed” foods by passing the liquid through a stiffened wire mesh channel to create a smooth paste that can then be added to soups, stews, chili, pasta dishes and the like. Meanwhile, the saucepout performs the same operation as a blender but in a slower and less intense manner. This type of appliance is especially useful when you need to make a puree of a tough ingredient such as vegetables or meat.
All in all – a kitchen will not be complete without a few basic appliances. These include a blender, a processor and a puree or sauce pout. There are different ways to use each of them, which means that each of them should be used according to how you will be using it.
For instance, if you’re only going to use it for simple tasks such as mixing and grinding, you should purchase a smaller processor with less power so as to cut down on the time it takes you to get the job done.